
Our coaching staff is comprised of dedicated and experienced coaches.

Our coaches attend annual coaching courses and participate in evaluations. All coaches have access to coaching curriculum and ongoing support for consultation as needed.

Thank you to all of our coaches, go Strikers!

Boys Teams

U19-U15, Brad Williams, Tyler Bangle, Chad Hall

U14,  Abby Drube, Katie Bogadi, Darin Conner

U13, LaNiece Fenton, Aaron Fenton

U12, Randy Thoreson, Tim Piehl, Hans Steidl

U11, Jake Bachman, Kyle Drube

U10, J.P. Cardin, Kelly Balch

U9, Jason Nees, Angie Kerr, Zack Nees

U8, LaNiece Fenton, Alex Crossingham, Rebecca Benoit

Girls Teams

U14, Jon Van Gesen, Kayla Ireland

U13, Jolena Overland, Bob Presta

U12, Laura Verity, Mo Brandtner

U11, Adam Tajan, Lucas Anderson, Colleen Watson

U10, LaNiece Fenton, Tim Piehl

U9, Amy Edwards, Kaylee Solis

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